The League of Women Voters of Naperville will be hosting two voter registration events at the West Suburban Food Pantry on July 12 and 28 from 8-11 am.
- Register under their legal name
- Be a US Citizen by birth or naturalization
- Be 18 years of age by Election Day (November 8, 2022)
- Be a resident of their precinct 30 days prior to the election
Provide 2 forms of identification – one must show the current address and proof of age. Suggested forms include:
- IL Driver’s License -or- IL State ID
- Student ID card
- Social Security card (last 4 digits)
- Birth Certificate
- Passport
- Library card
- Credit card
- Piece of mail with name and current address
If you would like to register online, you will need to have your cell phone, a driver’s license or state ID, and last 4 digits of their social security number.