Access DuPage
Access DuPage is a collaborative effort by thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations in DuPage County to provide access to medical services to the county’s low-income, medically uninsured residents. Since the program began in 2001, more than 60,000 of our DuPage County neighbors have received high quality compassionate health care through Access DuPage. This year, Access DuPage will serve approximately 6,000 members. To learn more about Access DuPage, please visit their website:
A representative visits the Pantry twice a year to help eligible persons in DuPage County apply for primary care medical services and health insurance premium assistance.
To schedule an appointment for application assistance, please call us at 630-512-9921.
Medicaid Application Assistance
The Pantry periodically offers assistance with applying for Medicaid.
Please call Kristin Jachymiak for more information, 630-948-8136.
Income Tax Assistance
A representative from Prairie State Legal Services answers basic questions about income tax filing, the earned income tax credit and other tax issues. Watch for signs in the Client Waiting Area for the next session.
For more information or questions, contact Kristin: or 630-948-8136.
Financial Literacy
What is your savings IQ? Is your savings on track?
Periodically WSCP partners with Hope’s Front Door for a workshop session filled with practical ideas to establish your own savings plan and learn the steps that are necessary to get there.
- Establish a realistic budget
- Fix and repair credit
- Find ways to save & the options available
- Build your savings
Workshop presented by Hope’s Front Door
For more information, contact Kristin Jachymiak: or 630-948-8136; or watch for a sign up in the Intake area at the Pantry.