2019 Chefs’ Culinary Challenge

2019 Chefs’ Culinary Challenge

Thank you to our Sponsors, Chefs, Volunteers and Guests! It was a wonderful evening and YOU raised funds that will go directly to helping our neighbors in need. There was a tie this year for the TOP CHEF! The Winner’s Choice Award went to Chef Brett Neubauer, Che...
125,000 Meals Challenge

125,000 Meals Challenge

SCROLL DOWN TO MAKE YOUR DONATION TODAY! COVID has hit us all in a number of ways. Most apparent to us is that more and more families are struggling to make ends meet. Groceries have gotten more expensive. Unemployment compensation has been delayed. Many people who...
School Snacks

School Snacks

WSCP partners with 32 schools in DuPage and Will Counties to address barriers that prevent low-income students from academic success. Schools receive a box of snacks each month and are then given to those students who are exhibiting symptoms of chronic hunger....
Full Plate

Full Plate

Every person deserves a full plate and hope for a better life. You can fill a plate. You give hope, nutrition, and food through a Full Plate Sponsorship. Becoming a sponsor is a tangible way to end hunger in our community. Your automatic monthly gift will set the...
Chefs’ Culinary Challenge 2018

Chefs’ Culinary Challenge 2018

This year’s Chefs’ Culinary Challenge was a huge success. Enjoy the video and pictures from the event. https://wscpantry.org/wp-content/uploads/West-Suburban-Community-Pantry.mp4...
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